Affordable and quality content for children to ignite their love for 21st century skills (STEM, the Arts, Social-Emotions, Heritage).

Social enterprise by discerning parents created for discerning parents.

As parents of three young children, we have always endeavoured to make our children’s screen time meaningful and entertaining.

We want to ensure that the time they spend on the screen value-adds to their development while providing a fun break from school.

Our Kak Fifi and Mimi Program strives to be a go-to edutainment source that can further aid their understanding of what they learnt in school.

Our episodes do not go beyond more than 15 minutes each, in line with Singapore’s Integrated 24hr Activity Guideline for Early Childhood.

- Rafidah and Mimrah
Founders of Kak Fifi and Mimi

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)


“We want to make it possible for all children to foster a passion for 21st century skills and knowledge while obtaining exposure to their Mother Tongues.

In doing so, we also hope to strengthen children’s connection to their rich heritage of South East Asia.”

"An accessible digital bilingual programme focused on STEAM in English and Malay."

Our Kak Fifi and Mimi edutech programme aims to enhance educational opportunities for children in the Malay community.

We aim to provide equitable, accessible and holistic knowledge to improve children's interest in STEAM, Malay, Heritage and Social Emotional Learning using English and Malay as living languages.

We aspire to develop future-ready children with the necessary 21st century knowledge and skills.

"An affordable yet quality edutech program to develop future-ready children."

A holistic programme that provides early exposure to STEAM, Social Emotions and Heritage in everyday life.

Structured learning objectives and outcomes that are aligned with Singapore's MOE Syllabi for Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) and Lower Primary School (P1-P3).

Vetted by an Advisory Board made up of Early Childhood Educators and Experts.

An affordable yet quality digital program that can be accessed anywhere at any time.

Who we are

Devoted parents of three trilingual children who are passionate about early childhood exposures and quality blended learning

Rafidah Jalil

Founder & Director, STEAMSEL Edutainment

"I am deeply passionate about intentional learning for my children, as well as for the children in the Malay community.

My hopes are for our programme to open avenues of interests in our Malay children to be driven, curious, ambitious and full of knowledge especially in the areas of Math and Science.

Growing up in a low-income family and being a recipient of Mendaki’s Special Malay Scholarship that helped me through university, I see this as a opportunity for me to give back to our Malay community."

  • Rafidah graduated from the National University of Singapore Business School (Hons.) as a Marketing major. She spent 11 years working in an International Bank across multiple businesses and helmed various roles including Product Management, Implementation and Business Transformation. In her last role, she headed the Strategic Change and Management team in Commercial Banking.

    Rafidah took a career break to undergo In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to grow her family and is now a proud IVF mom to three beautiful trilingual children, a 6 year old son and a pair of 3 year old twins.

    After realising the importance of early childhood development and the lack of quality bilingual resources for her children, Rafidah started STEAMSEL Edutainment with the main aim of providing knowledge-based edutainment to bilingual children. She believes strongly in harnessing the interest and love for STEAM, Social Emotional Learning and Bahasa Melayu to the younger generations. She also hopes that the Kak Fifi and Mimi Programme can help parents to up-skill themselves to be even better teachers for their children.

Mimrah Mahmood

Director, STEAMSEL Edutainment

"I have great enthusiasm and passion for early childhood development.

The decision to start and fund STEAMSEL Edutainment is an investment not just for ourselves but for the future generation as well.

I grew up watching my mom, who is an educator and headmaster in the Maldives. She tirelessly devoted herself to teaching children all day long. I remain inspired by her dedication in early childhood education.

I believe that the foundation for lifelong learning is built during the formative years of early childhood. I hope that with our programme, we will be able to uplift the social, educational and wellbeing of the Malay community."

  • Mimrah graduated from the National University of Singapore School of Computing (Hons) and minored in Business with the NUS Business School

    He always had a passion in entrepreneurship, starting his first business when he was just 15 years old.

    Mimrah is a highly-involved father of three who believes that children thrive via new experiences and exposures.

    Mimrah is currently the Regional Sales VP and Partner at Meltwater with over 18 years of experience and an experienced leader in 8 regional markets.