What happens at the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar?

(Apa berlaku di Bazar Ramadan Geylang Serai?)

Chapter 1

  • Learning Video

    Apa Berlaku di Bazar Ramadan Geylang Serai? (What Happens at the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar?)

    Kak Fifi and Mimi venture out to the annual Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar. They go on a treasure hunt through by clues via QR codes and look for special items to celebrate Hari Raya!

  • Worksheets

    Explore STEM, the Arts, Social Emotional Learning and Heritage in our worksheets themed around this chapter’s learning video.

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Trial Chapter 1: Apa Berlaku di Bazar Ramadan Geylang Serai? (What Happens at the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar?)

✓ Learning Video
✓ 3 Worksheets