What are musical tempos?
(Apakah rentak muzik?).


Kak Fifi and Mimi explore different types of beats and tempos from fast to slow ones. They create their own DIY glow-in-the-dark drums and choose which tempos they like the most!


1. The Arts [Music]

  • Understand that different people have different preferences in tempos

  • Share about the history of tempos and compare slow versus fast tempos

2. Engineering

  • Create drums and use recycled materials to make new toys

3. Math [Patterns]

  • Identify patterns, notice how patterns appear in our every day lives

  • Create AB, ABB, and ABC patterns

4. Heritage

  • Sing traditional Ram-Sam-Sam song

  • Observe how tempos can go from slow to fast

5. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)


1. Fast Hide and Seek [Science]

  • Identify living things and non-living things that move fast

2. Slow Hide and Seek [Science]

  • Identifying living things and non-living things that move slowly

3. Tempo Challenge [the Arts]

  • Differentiate between fast and slow tempos

  • Make sounds using our body parts

4. Interactions [Science]

  • Identify results of interactions between living things and non-living things

5. Continuing Patters [Math]

  • Recognise underlying order and predictability in patterns

6. Kosa Kata Kita! [Malay]

  • Match the correct malay vocabulary words as used in the episode

Chapter 1: What are musical tempos? (Apakah rentak muzik?)
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