Apa Berlaku Semasa Bulan Ramadan?
(What Happens during Ramadan?)


Kak Fifi and Mimi explore the different ways children can get involved during the fasting month of Ramadan and preparation for Hari Raya. They also discover how science and math can help them in gearing up for the big day!


1. . Science [Interaction of Forces, Magnets]

  • Examine the properties of a magnet

  • Distinguish between magnetic and non-magnetic items

  • Demonstrate how magnetic objects can help in every-day household chores

2. CCE, Social Emotional Learning [Active Contributor at Home]

  • Assist in spring-cleaning the house in preparation for Hari Raya

3. Heritage [Ramadan Activities]

  • Describe and assist in preparing for breaking fast, hanging twinkling lights and preparing green packets

4. Math [3D Shapes, Money Values, Value Differentiation]

  • Identify 3D shapes around the house

  • Categorise dollar notes according to their values and colours

  • Comparing the values of dollar notes to determine which is "more than" or "lesser than"

5. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)

  • Simpulan bahasa: ringan tangan


1. Ramadan Maze [Engineering]

  • Assess the best way to complete a maze

2. States of Matter [Science]

  • Differentiate between the 3 states of matter

3. Graffiti Artwork [the Arts]

  • Express visual creativity in creating a graffiti artwork

Trial Chapter 2: Apa Yaang Berlaku Semasa Bulan Ramadan? (What Happens During Ramadan?)

✓ Learning Video
✓ 3 Worksheets

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