How do we sing?
(Bagaimana kita bernyanyi?).


Kak Fifi and Mimi learn how to sing from a professional singer, Rudy Djoe. Thery try different methods, from vocal and physical warmups, to tuning out different pitches. They make their very own drum set using household items and sing a traditional song!


1. Science [Human Body, Diversity of Materials]

  • Explain the use of throat muscles during singing

  • Compare the diverse range of materials of household objects

2. The Arts [Music]

  • Practice basic vocal warm-ups before singing

  • Practice basic physical warm-ups before singing

  • Demonstrate music technique of solfege for Do, Re, Mi

3. Engineering [Design and Create]

  • Create drums using household materials

4. Heritage [Traditional Song]

  • Sing traditional song of Chan Mali Chan with low and high pitches

5. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)


1. Dance Challenge [the Arts]

  • Create music movements using experimentation and imagination

2. Daily Song Challenge [Heritage, Malay, Social Studies]

  • Sing traditional malay songs

  • Appreciate cultural diversity

  • Develop a sense of belonging to one’s community

3. Our Wonderful Body [Science]

  • Identify different parts of the body

4. Colour Your Muscles [Science]

  • Identify different muscles in different parts of the body

5. My Favourite Music [the Arts] - Show preference for different musical elements

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Chapter 2: How do we sing? (Bagaimana kita menyanyi?)
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Kak Fifi and Mimi learn how to sing from a professional singer, Rudy Djoe. Thery try different methods, from vocal and physical warmups, to tuning out different pitches. They make their very own drum set using household items and sing a traditional song!

✓ Learning Video
✓ 5 Worksheets