What do we do when we are not succeeding?
(Apa yang boleh kita lakukan apabila kita tidak berjaya?).


Mimi struggles to sing as well as he wants to and gets help from Kak Fifi and Rudy Djoe on how to improve himself. Can Mimi improve his singing in time for his very first concert?


1. Social Studies, Social Emotional Learning [Knowing Myself]

  • Express feelings in times of struggle

  • Ask for help and speak to a grownup during tough times

  • Practice resilience not to give up

  • Apply tips to improve on a task or challenge

2. Malay - Vocabulary (kosa-kata)

  • Simpulan Bahasa: Ada hati


1. 3D Feelings Cube [Social Emotional, Engineering]

  • Name and express feelings to others

2. Match the Place Values [Math]

  • Define place values of numbers up to 10,000

3. Kindness Bingo [Social Emotional, CCE]

  • Show empathy and kindness to others around them

4. Feelings Cards [Social Emotional, CCE]

  • Name and express their feelings

5. Chore Reward Chart [Social Emotional, CCE]

  • Actively contributing at home

6. Kosa Kata Kita! [Malay]

  • Match the correct malay vocabulary words as used in the episode

Chapter 3: How to bounce back from setbacks? (Bagaimana untuk pulih dari kegagalan?)
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Mimi struggles to sing as well as he wants to and gets help from Kak Fifi and Rudy Djoe on how to improve himself. Can Mimi improve his singing in time for his very first concert?

✓ Learning Video
✓ 5 Worksheets

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