What do we do on a playdate?
(Apa yang kita lakukan bila bermain di rumah kawan?).


The Super Pals visit Kak Fifi and Mimi for a playdate! Get to know some important tips for when you go on your next playdate. The friends also explore how different magnet poles interact with one another and enjoy an exciting game of Magnet Racing Cars!


1. Social Studies, Social Emotional Learning [Knowing Myself]

  • Acknowledging common feelings to have before a playdate

  • Apply the proper exemplary ways to behave when attending a play date

  • Understanding that different people may have different interests, and it is possible to explore new interests from your friends

2. Science [Interaction of Forces, Magnets]

  • Distinguish the two poles of a magnet

  • Determine what will make a magnet attract (pull) and repel (push)

  • Experiment with different amounts of magnets to determine its effect on an magnetic interaction

  • Build and race own magnet cars

3. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)


1. Clean Up, Clean Up [Social Emotional, Social Studies]

  • Return household items to their rightful places

2. Finger Hopscotch [Social Studies, Math]

  • Play traditional game of hopscotch

3. Push and Pull [Science]

  • Identify and classify interaction of forces between push and pull

4. Attraction or Repulsion [Science]

  • Explain that magnets have two poles

  • Demonstrate that like poles repel and unlike poles attract

5. Magnetic Items [Science]

  • Classify between magnetic and non-magnetic items

6. Kosa Kata Kita! [Malay]

  • Match the correct malay vocabulary words as used in the episode

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Chapter 6: What do we do on a playdate? (Apa yang kita lakukan bila bermain di rumah kawan?)
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