What are the colours of Deepavali?
(Apakah warna-warna Deepavali?).


Kak Fifi and Mimi explore why colours are important in the celebration of Deepavali. They build a geometric rongoli while learning about symmetry and perimeters. Celebrate with them as they make their very geometric rangoli!


1. Social Studies, Heritage [Coming Together as a Nation]

  • Explain how Deepavali is celebrated

  • Say Deepavali greetings

  • Explain why bright colours and lights are used to decorate homes during Deepaval

2. Math [Geometry, Symmetry, Perimeter]

  • Create a design using different geometric shapes

  • Identify objects that are symmetrical

  • Identify mirror lines of symmetrical objects

  • Identify the outline of a shape to be its perimeter

  • Measure the perimeter of a shape

3. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)


1. Design a Rangoli [Math, Engineering]

  • Create a rangoli design using geometric shapes

2. Perimeter Challenge [Math]

  • Identify and measure the perimeter of a shape

3. Decorate a Deepavali Card [Social Studies, the Arts]

  • Show curiosity about Deepavali celebrations

4. Symmetry Challenge [Math]

  • Identify symmetry lines of a symmetrical figure

5. Word Search: Celebration [Malay]

  • Use these Bahasa Melayu vocabulary in sentences

6. Kosa Kata Kita! [Malay]

  • Match the correct malay vocabulary words as used in the episode

Chapter 7: What are the colours of Deepavali? (Apakah warna-warna Deepavali?)
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Kak Fifi and Mimi explore why colours are important in the celebration of Deepavali. They build a geometric rongoli while learning about symmetry and perimeters. Celebrate with them as they make their very geometric rangoli!

✓ Learning Video
✓ 5 Worksheets

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