How do we see?
(Bagaimana kita melihat?).


Kak Fifi and Mimi investigate how light impacts what we see. They design and create their own coloured light boxes and conduct experiments for their very own light show!


1. Science [Human Body, Light Energy, Diversity of Materials]

  • Explain that we require two things to see with our eyes: a light source, as well as matter that can reflect light

  • Illustrate how light travels, and how it reflects off items to allow us to see the items

  • Investigate other light sources in their environment

  • Experiment with different ways we can play and manipulate light in the dark

  • Identify things that are transparent

2. Engineering, the Arts [Visual Art]

  • Create coloured light boxes

  • Identify common primary and secondary colours

  • Mix different colours to create new ones

3. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)


1. Is It Transparent? [Science]

  • Identify the characteristics of transparent objects

  • Explain that things are transparent when light can shine through the item

2. Colour Mixing [the Arts]

  • Experiment with colours to determine the results of colour mixing interactions

3. Hunt for Light Sources [Science]

  • Identify objects that are sources of light energy

4. Rainbow Origami [Engineering, the Arts]

  • Colour, decorate, cut and fold 3D rainbow origami

5. How Do We See? [Science]

  • Illustrate that light travels in straight lines (rays)

  • Demonstrate that an object can be seen when there is a light source, and the object is able to reflect light

6. Kosa Kata Kita! [Malay]

  • Match the correct malay vocabulary words as used in the episode

Chapter 8: How do we see? (Bagaimana kita melihat?)
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Kak Fifi and Mimi investigate how light impacts what we see. They design and create their own coloured light boxes and conduct experiments for their very own light show!

✓ Learning Video
✓ 5 Worksheets

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