How do we play basketball?
(Bagaimana kita bermain bola keranjang?).


Kak Fifi and Mimi learn the basics of basketball using colourful balls with Coach Haikel from Proactiv Sports. They learn to work together as a team through the wonders of "COCO = Care, Our team, Communication, Objective"!


1. CCE, Social Emotional Learning [Showing Care and Respect for Others]

  • Work together in teams by showing care and respect for others

  • Practice social awareness, relationship management, communication, collaboration & information skills

  • Apply different colours to their environment that can help their moods - Acknowledging their emotions

2. Active Me

  • Basics of a Sport (Basketball)

3. Malay

  • Vocabulary (kosa-kata)


1. Basketball Scoreboard [Math]

  • Demonstrate rational counting, one-to-one correspondence: linking a single number name with one and only one object at a time

2. Lesser or Greater? [Math]

  • Compare number values

  • Use languages such as “greater than”, “smaller than”, “the same as” and “as many as” to describe the comparison

3. 3D Cone [Engineering, the Arts]

  • Colour, design, cut and fold paper to make a 3D cone

4. Match the Ball Game [Malay]

  • Use these Bahasa Melayu vocabulary in sentences

5. Ball Maze [Engineering]

  • Carve a path from Mimi to his ball collection using gross motor skills and critical thinking

6. Kosa Kata Kita! [Malay]

  • Match the correct malay vocabulary words as used in the episode

Chapter 9: How do we play basketball? (Bagaimana kita bermain bola keranjang?)
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Kak Fifi and Mimi learn the basics of basketball using colourful balls with Coach Haikel from Proactiv Sports. They learn to work together as a team through the wonders of "COCO = Care, Our team, Communication, Objective"!

✓ Learning Video
✓ 5 Worksheets

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