Chapter 2. Life at the Kampong

1. What is inside a kampong village?

Kak Fifi and Mimi venture out to explore Singapore's last living Kampong Village, Kampong Buangkok. They look at what is in a Kampong village and how the Kampong residents live harmoniously together. The two friends also try their hands at some some Kampong games and learn how to measure length with different units of measurements!

2. What is inside a kampong house?

Kak Fifi and Mimi explore the inside of a Kampong House and discover how homes used to look like in the past. They also learn to count to a hundred in a fun and fast way: through skip counting!

Chapter 2: Kampong Life
SGD 90.00
One time

3 videos, 15 worksheets: Unravel the vibrant tapestry of life at the kampong! Yearly access, cancel anytime.

✓ Episode 4: What is Inside a Kampong Village?
✓ Episode 5: What is Inside a Kampong House?
✓ Episode 6: What Do We Do on a Playdate?
✓ 15 Activity Sheets

3. What do we do on a playdate?

The Super Pals visit Kak Fifi and Mimi for a playdate! Get to know some important tips for when you go on your next playdate. The friends also explore how different magnet poles interact with one another and enjoy an exciting game of Magnet Racing Cars!

The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

- Dr. Seuss