Chapter 3. World of Colours

7. What are the colours of Deepavali?

Kak Fifi and Mimi explore why colours are important in the celebration of Deepavali. They build a geometric rongoli while learning about symmetry and perimeters. Celebrate with them as they make their very geometric rangoli!

8. How do we see?

Kak Fifi and Mimi investigate how light impacts what we see. They design and create their own coloured light boxes and conduct experiments for their very own light show!

Chapter 3: Colours and Light
SGD 90.00
One time

3 videos, 15 worksheets: Paint the world with a kaleidoscope of colors! Yearly access, cancel anytime.

✓ Episode 7: What Are the Colours of Deepavali?
✓ Episode 8: How Do We See?
✓ Episode 9: How Do We Play Basketball?
✓ 15 Activity Sheets

9. How do we play basketball?

Kak Fifi and Mimi learn the basics of basketball using colourful balls with Coach Haikel from Proactiv Sports. They learn to work together as a team through the wonders of "COCO = Care, Our team, Communication, Objective"!

Science is simply the question 'Why?' pursued in an organized way.

- Neil deGrasse Tyson